Championship for grassroots drag racers at IHRA member tracks. Summit Racing Equipment presents this revolutionary program for IHRA's thousands of grassroots racers. The Summit SuperSeries World Finals will take place October 9-12, 2024 at Holly Springs
This program will crown a true Top (Box), Mod (No Box), Sportsman, Motorcycle, and Jr. Dragster World Champion. There are three ways to qualify and be invited to compete at the Summit SuperSeries World Finals. A racer can qualify by either winning a Summit Super Series track championship at a participating IHRA member track or by winning a Summit Team Finals main event class and meeting the eligibility requirements. Continuing in 2024, the third and final way is by winning an IHRA Sportsman Spectacular event on a designated day.
Each participating track will crown Summit SuperSeries track champions who will then be validated by IHRA as having met the program requirements.
Summit SuperSeries Step #1
• Register for the Summit SuperSeries with the IHRA membership department and receive your IHRA Number. If a racer runs in multiple classes, they must have an IHRA Car Number registered for each class (the same car number may be used in each class).
Summit SuperSeries Step #2
• Sign up for points at a participating IHRA Summit SuperSeries track.
Summit SuperSeries Step #3
• Race at an IHRA track while using your Summit SuperSeries membership. Eligibility does not begin until a valid membership with the IHRA is obtained. Failure to maintain a current membership after one race will result in a deduction in points for the events the membership was expired - exceptions will only be made at the IHRA's discretion.
Summit SuperSeries Step #4
• Become the Summit SuperSeries Champion as determined by a participating track. (see your IHRA track for details)
Any Summit SuperSeries competitor with a valid IHRA membership from July 1, 2024 through the respective division's 2024 Summit Team Finals event can win a Team Finals Main Event class and will become eligible for the Summit SuperSeries World Finals Championship race. To be considered eligible after winning the Summit Team Finals main event, a competitor will be verified by IHRA as having met Step #1 through #3 above, no different than the Summit SuperSeries Champion. A 30-day renewal grace period will be granted for member registrations that expire between July 1st and the Summit Team Finals event. The grace period will be measured from date of expiration to the date of online renewal or postmarked envelope. If a registration is not renewed within 30 days from the expiration date the racer will not be eligible. Exceptions will only be made at the IHRA’s discretion.
1) Summit SuperSeries points will not count until the racer is registered with both IHRA and the participating track (Retro points will only be awarded for one race)
2) Racers in all classes are eligible (based on the participating track's discretion).
3) A racer may compete for the Summit SuperSeries track championship at more than one track and in more than one class. Should one racer win the SSS Championship at multiple tracks, they will declare the track they will represent before the Summit Team Finals. Once the racer selects the track they will represent, the racer will forfeit the SSS track eligibility from the second track.
4) A racer may only race in a maximum of two separate classes and represent one track at the SSS World Finals.
5) There will be no double entry for a competitor that wins the SSS track championship and a Summit Team Finals event. In the event a competitor wins both, regardless of class, the track championship will take precedent.
6) Substitutions are allowed for a Summit SuperSeries track champion if that competitor chooses not to attend the Summit World Finals. If a Summit Team Finals champion chooses not to attend the Summit World Finals, only the runner-up (if eligible) will be permitted to take that spot.
7) IHRA Motorsports employees, team members, staff and IHRA track owners/operators/managers are not eligible to participate in the World Finals
• All Classes – Stutter boxes, timed down track throttle stops, onboard computers, and wheel pickup sensing devices are prohibited. Any vehicle may only be driven by one driver.
• TOP (ELECTRONICS) (0-9.00): Delay boxes, trans brakes, two steps, playback delay boxes, trans brakes, two steps, playback tachometers and nitrous are permitted. Air throttles used as launch control devices are permitted. Factory (OEM) installed computers will be permitted, but lap top computers are not allowed while in competition.
• MODIFIED (NO ELECTRONICS) (All Run): Delay boxes, air throttles, and starting line enhancers are prohibited. Trans brakes, two-steps, automated shifters and nitrous are permitted. Delay boxes are not allowed to remain in the vehicle. EVs are permitted.
• SPORTSMAN (7.40 & Slower, Door Cars Only): Delay boxes, air throttles, starting line enhancers, trans brakes, two steps, buttons on the steering wheel and nitrous are prohibited. Slicks and headers are permitted. Line locks are only permitted in the burnout process. The throttle must be manually operated by the driver’s foot. Electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics, or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. A fixed stop under the carburetor or gas pedal is permitted. Automated Shifter prohibited unless OEM.
• MOTORCYCLES: Delay boxes, two steps, playback tachometers and nitrous are permitted. Air throttles, used as launch control devices, are permitted. Factory (OEM) installed computers will be permitted, but laptop computers are not allowed while in competition.
• Electric Vehicles (EV) Must be all-electric, not hybrids. Will run against other EVs until one is left in the competition and will continue through Modified eliminations. No separate will run against other EVs until one is left in the competition and will continue through Modified eliminations. No separate runs if an odd number of EVs. If 32 or more EV competitors show up to compete at the Summit World Finals, they will run as their own class in an all-run format and follow the same class rules as Modified (door cars only and no electronics). The separate EV class at a 32-car field or more will have a purse of $300 1st Round, $400 2nd Round, $500 3rd Round; $600 4th round, $800 5th Round, $3,000 Runner-Up, $5,000 Win. If 32 or more EV competitors show up to compete at the Summit World Finals, they will run as their own class in an all run format and follow the same class rules as Sportsman (no electronics) except no minimum or maximum dial restrictions. The separate EV class at a 32-car field or more will have a purse of $300 1st rd; $400 2nd rd; $500 3rd rd; $600 4th rd; $800 5th rd; $3,000 R/U; $5,000 Win. If 32 or more EV competitors show up to compete at the Summit World Finals, they will run as their own class in an all run format and follow the same class rules as Sportsman (door cars only and no electronics) with the exception of no minimum or maximum dial restrictions. The separate EV class at a 32 car field or more will have a purse of $300 1st rd; $400 2nd rd; $500 3rd rd; $600 4th rd; $800 5th rd; $3,000 R/U; $5,000 Win
• JUNIORS (All Run): Dial ins must be on vehicle. Tire covers may be removed after the water box. All IHRA junior rules apply per the competitors license level and as written in the IHRA rulebook.