IHRA continues to offer the IHRA Ironman Classic to all member tracks. Prior to this program, a sportsman racer could only win an Ironman if they traveled to a divisional or IHRA Drag Racing Series national event. Now, weekly racers have an opportunity to receive the most sought-after prize in IHRA Drag Racing – the Ironman! The purpose of the IHRA Ironman Classic race is simple; the local track can create some excitement in their bracket program and offer sportsman competitors a chance to win an IHRA Ironman. Below are some basic guidelines for the IHRA Ironman Classic events.
Maximum of 2 Ironman Classic events per year with no more than 5 Ironman per event. One Ironman per class may be awarded.
Each Ironman Classic race is your event to promote and advertise.
IHRA will publish all race dates on the website
-Track operators are responsible for ordering and buying the Ironman. To order, please CLICK HERE